Our greatest resource is people.
Every single person is important to us and everyone makes a contribution to the firm’s growth. This means that we are looking for people with a light in their eyes, who love their work and share our guiding principles and values.
Our customer care office is here to help you.
Write to us and we will get back to you.
Our customer care office is here to help you. Write to us and we will get back to you.
Certottica S.c.r.l.
Italian institute for the certification of optical products
P.I. e C.F. 00790870257
Zona Industriale Villanova – 32013 LONGARONE (BL) – ITALIA
Phone. +390437573157 ˙ Fax +390437573131
Email: info@certottica.it – PEC: certottica@pec.certottica.org
Politecnico Internazionale dell’Occhiale – Detached headquarters
Via Malcom 1 Loc. Roa di Castellavazzo – 32013 LONGARONE (BL)
Phone. +390437573157 ˙ Fax +390437573131
Email: info@certottica.it – PEC: certottica@pec.certottica.org
© 2022 CERTOTTICA GROUP – All rights reserved