
Its twenty year expertise in the sector gives Certottica a know-how which enables it to supply a full range of laboratory tests specific to optical device type.

For its laboratory work Certottica is officially accredited by ACCREDIA, appointed by the Italian government to certify that testing laboratories have the skills required to test product conformity with the reference standards.

In its laboratories, and on the strength of the specialist expertise of its technicians, Certottica tests and certifies that personal protective equipment complies with sector legal requirements.

It also issues detailed test reports to supplement technical documentation and manufacturer conformity statements.

In its laboratories, and on the strength of the specialist expertise of its technicians, Certottica tests and certifies that personal protective equipment complies with sector legal requirements.

It also issues detailed test reports to supplement technical documentation and manufacturer conformity statements.


Product Certification

L’elevata professionalità fa di Certottica un importante supporto alle aziende, sia nazionali sia internazionali, nell’analisi di prodotti e processi produttivi come previsto dalle Direttive e Regolamenti europei e dagli standard tecnici internazionali.