Italian optical product certification institute

Testing and conformity certificate process leader issuing CE optical product certifications


Think Tank

Certottica is an EU notified body as a certification institute recognised and authorised by the Italian Economic Development, Labour and Social Policy ministries to issue CE conformity certificates for eye and face personal protective equipment. It is accredited by the Veneto Region as a lifelong learning and higher education institute and UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certified for the design, management and funding of professional training courses.

Certottica manages the Politecnico Internazionale dell’Occhiale and organises the ITS ACADEMY for the eyewear sector. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Economic Development’s Direzione Generale per l’Armonizzazione del Mercato e la Tutela dei Consumatori, the Customs Agency and ANFAO, to safeguard consumer health and safety, look after the interests of firms working correctly on the market and oversee the optical sector.


Testing and certification

Working with constantly updated and accredited laboratory tests guarantees that the resulting test reports will be internationally recognised by all Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) signatory countries.

Testing and certification

Working with constantly updated and accredited laboratory tests guarantees that the resulting test reports will be internationally recognised by all Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) signatory countries.

Test e certificazioni

Lavorare con prove di laboratorio sempre aggiornate e accreditate garantisce che i rapporti di prova emessi siano accettati a livello internazionale presso tutti i Paesi che fanno parte dei Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA)


Product certification

For its laboratory work Certottica is accredited every year by Accredia, sole national accreditation body appointed by the Italian government to confirm that certifying bodies and testing laboratories have the skills required to test product, process and system conformity to reference standards.


Active projects



Certottica is accredited by the Veneto region as a lifelong learning and higher education institute for labour services. It is UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 for the planning, management and funding of professional training courses.


Certottica is accredited by the Veneto region as a lifelong learning and higher education institute for labour services. It is UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 for the planning, management and funding of professional training courses.


To guarantee high quality standards Certottica monitors the national and international standards framework constantly, in order to fully safeguard firms and their products. In addition to managing the Technical Board’s secretarial office and that of Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici (ANFAO), the group’s researchers also sit on a great many other technical boards in the three main standards sector contexts:

ISO - International Standard Organization

CEN - Comité Européen
de Normalisation

UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano per l’Unificazione


Professionalism and quality

Certottica’s high professionalism standards in its various areas of expertise make it the partner of choice for the eyewear industry in all its forms, evolutions and trends.


To guarantee high quality standards Certottica monitors the national and international standards framework constantly, in order to fully safeguard firms and their products. In addition to managing the Technical Board’s secretarial office and that of Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici (ANFAO), the group’s researchers also sit on a great many other technical boards in the three main standards sector contexts:

ISO - International Standard Organization

CEN - Comité Européen
de Normalisation

UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano per l’Unificazione


is part of


Istituto Italiano di Certificazione dei prodotti ottici, leader nei processi di testing e rilascio di attestati di conformità per la certificazione CE dei prodotti ottici.

Società specializzata nell’esecuzione di prove ed emissione di certificati per dispositivi di protezione individuale del corpo umano.

Società di diritto inglese, accreditata ufficialmente per la certificazione UKCA dei prodotti ottici e dei dispositivi di protezione individuale del corpo umano.

Italian optical product certification institute, testing and conformity certificate process leader issuing CE optical product certifications.

Firm specialising in performing tests and issuing certificates for personal body protection equipment.

UK-registered firm officially accredited to issue UKCA certificates for optical products and personal body protection equipment.


ABLE supports firms in all their training creation needs, with courses designed to reinforce staff technical and integrated skills.